02 mrt 2015
JOINERS PAINTERS ELECTRICIAN Challenge Victoria Tower Gardens lies at the heart of Westminster, bordered by the Houses of Parliament, the River Thames, Millbank and Lambeth Bridge. There has been a playground in the Gardens since 1923 when local philanthropist, Mr Henry Gage Spicer funded the installation of a large sandpit. A significant Phase I refurbishment [...]
27 feb 2015
JOINERS PAINTERS ELECTRICIAN Challenge Suspendisse vestibulum diam non sodales faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sem erat, consequat et ornare sit amet, ornare sagittis diam. Nullam at scelerisque est. In sit amet ultrices nisi, eget consectetur est. Phasellus venenatis nunc at sem sollicitudin suscipit. Praesent rutrum elit at magna molestie viverra. Suspendisse vestibulum diam non sodales faucibus. [...]